Faery Soul

Jasmin Wolkenstadt


As a young child, I was in a state of constant cognitive dissonance. I knew for certain that something was not right about the world. The people, the stress, the noise, the strange ways of society- I never seemed to be able to fully adapt or even accept it. The worlds I felt and saw inside myself on the other hand were full of light and mystical wonder. There was no hate, no fear, no pain. Just the feeling that you have when you see the cosiest, homiest place filled with the brightest light. But the outside world never mirrored what I perceived to be real on the inside.


So I despaired. It was like finding yourself lost in a country where nobody has spoken your native language for ages, even centuries. About the time I was to enter school I had started to feel a deep, hopeless sadness in my heart. I was foreign in this human environment, a stranger with no welcome. I drifted away, let the tides of the world throw me around like something to play with and focused all of my life energy on casting myself back into the realms of light which I missed so dearly. By the time I was 11, I had lost nearly all connection and familiarity with my own body and physical existence.

Then it happened- the energy of faery entered my life for the first time, unveiling itself to me through various ways. Upon discovering it, I was awestruck. This vibe was so different from everything else I had ever encountered in my young human life.


By making first contact with the Earth energies it was like a buried part of me jumped from a comatose sleep. Suddenly, it had its eyes open, fully awake and aware. Finally, there was it!  There was something on Earth which was the equivalent to the worlds of light which I felt inside!


Through the energy of faery, I re-remembered the liveliness of Mother Nature, of the plants, of the trees- but essentially that there was something alive inside me- something that had drifted quite far away at this point. From then, I felt a calling. I started to venture outside. I formed a strong, spiritual connection with the forest. I drew all of my willpower and strength from Mother Nature, and I found a place and warmth in her arms even when I felt like there was none in the world outside.


Nature nurtured my soul and became the bridge through which my inner worlds of light could be carried into this physical time and space. Before that, they used to be complete separate things with no way to connect. With her help, I could finally integrate more into my earthy persona and become aligned with physical reality. It was a process of many years, with many challenges, but through everything, nature was with me.


About a decade later I am wiser and more confident in my own skin. I have started to understand that there have always been plenty of other humans all over the world who have been born feeling different and too sensitive for this world, people who seem to remember a peaceful and loving kind of existence.


Not everybody will understand this longing for a different world, or even who you are as a person, but that is okay. The most important thing is to embrace yourself and create the life that is right according to your own standards.


The energy of faery is something that can be adapted into your life when you feel truly drawn to it. It does not matter with what kind of label you identify, if you feel like the most normal person under the sky or if you are calling yourself a star seed, indigo child or anything like it.


If we want to create a different world, we have to root ourselves deep into the ground; for only then can we truly shine our souls light. If we feel out of place in society it may be because we are here to change it. And if that is the case, the love and support from Mother Earth is the biggest ally we could ever find.


Mother Earth is calling you. Your Self is calling you.

Make amends with this neglected part of yourself: The FaerySoul.

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